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Emergent Home Corp. is a new company based in Burlingame, California, and focused on becoming the leader in smart, adaptive technology for managing the home. We are looking for highly motivated and talented individuals to contribute to our success.

Current Openings:

Senior Software Engineer (Burlingame, CA Full-time)
Senior Hardware Engineer (Burlingame, CA Full-time)


Senior Software Engineer (Burlingame, CA Full-time)

Job Requirements : 1.Direct driver and systems level experience with embedded operating systems such as Windows CE, VxWorks, pSOS, & Linux.
2.BS and minimum 5 years experience in application and driver software development on one or more embedded operating systems.
3.Must have strong system software experience.
4.Windows experience is a plus.
5.MIPS processor experience is a plus
6.Must have mastered the interrelationships between DMA engines, interrupts, Interrupt Handling, Global Interrupt Handling, Memory Virtualization, user space, race conditions and perimeter locking.
Description : 1.Will develop drivers and applications for a variety of embedded operating systems.
2.Will be responsible in writing firmware, drivers and applications for a variety of embedded platforms
3.Will be involved in low level hardware bring-up and debugging of the firmware and drivers.
4.Must have good communications skills and willing to be involved in development efforts with our direct customers, helping in their design, development and debugging phases.

Senior Hardware Engineer (Burlingame, CA Full-time)

Job Requirements : BSEE/MSEE + 5 years of applicable experience
* Bluetooth architecture and specifications
* High speed digital circuit design
* Some Analog Design, power regulators, passive filter circuits
* Spice circuit simulation
* Any High level circuit design language (Verilog, VHDL, HDL, AHDL)
* FPGA implementation experience
* Familiarity with test instruments: Logic analyzers, Bus protocol analyzers, Oscilloscopes
* Candidate must have good verbal and written communication skills
* Experience with EMI/EMC problem prevention and resolution is a plus but not a requirement
Description : Support the development of wireless embedded systems. Responsibilities include the development of evaluation boards and reference designs:
* System design
* Schematic capture
* Board layout supervision
* Functional verification of completed boards

Review designs of internal and customer engineers
Functional analysis and verification of Controller IC products.
Contribute to definition of next-generation Controller IC products.


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Copyright © 2006 Emergent Home Corporation
Last modified: 11/27/06